The Senaptec Sensory Station is a state-of-art sensory evaluation & training station which assesses 10 visual and sensorimotor skills. Our technology measures and trains an individual’s strengths and opportunities to improve sensory performance.
Vision plays a critical role in athletic performance. It’s the way the athlete sees, decides, and executes in the moment. In fact, 80% of the athlete’s sensory input is visual and about 70% of reaction time is cognitive based. These visual processing functions can be improved with sports vision training. The Senaptec Sensory Station relies on the Senaptec database of tens of thousands of athletes to truly show how your athletes compare to their competition. The evaluation results create the roadmap for sensory training and the baseline to measure success. From here, the Sensory Station provides a robust training solution, which is automatically customized to the needs and particular activity of the athlete. Training occurs on the Sensory Station at your training facility as well as remotely via the Sensa App on the athlete’s personal tablet and on the field by integrating the Strobe eyewear into your exciting training program. For both the coaches and the athletes, it is one seamless experience.

Sensory Station Evaluation App
Measures visual, cognitive, and visuomotor skills. The assessment establish a broad and comprehensive overview of the brain’s ability to receive, interpret, and respond in the moment. The results create the roadmap for sensory training and a baseline to measure success. In less than 25 minutes, 10 visual and sensorimotor skills are assessed to show an individual’s strengths and opportunities for improvement. Think of this as the diagnostic combine for the brain. If someone told you they could run a 4-minute mile, you would know they had speed and endurance. What are the metrics for eye/hand coordination, depth perception, and reaction time? The Senaptec Evaluation has the answer.
Sensory Station Assessment | 10 Sensory Parameters
Visual Skills
The ability to see, track and keep up with all the moving information.

Visual Clarity
Good vision starts with clear data from the eyes.

Contrast Sensitivity
Detecting contrast is the beginning of vision and is critical for recognizing objects and faces.

Near-Far Quickness
Changing focus quickly is important for movement, spatial judgment, and making timely decisions.

Target Capture
Fast coordination between peripheral and central vision ensure you observe important information.
Processing Skills
The ability to decide. This function relies heavily on how well we can perceive and process information.

Depth Sensitivity
Judging depth assists in navigation, accurate timing, and proper anticipation for potential collision.

Perception Span
Perceiving and retaining a broad range of visual information helps make quick and accurate decisions.

Multiple Object Tracking
Sensing the movement of multiple objects is crucial for spatial awareness and proper movement.
Reaction Skills
The ability to implement the decision and perform an action by responding effectively and quickly with speed on demand

Reaction Time
Reacting quickly to a visual input is crucial to success in all areas of life.

Peripheral Reaction
Moving hands quickly and accurately based on visual input is foundational to interaction with the world.

Go / No Go
Inhibiting motion in response to new information protects from mistakes and potential injury.
Assessment | Sensory Report
The report is presented in an easy-to-read interactive radar chart format to provide a comprehensive look at your athlete’s overall performance.The larger and wider the plot, the better they are doing. The chart provides a percentile ranking, to show strengths and areas for improvement. You can also overlay previous test results. This allows you to compare your new results with previous ones, so you can clearly see improvements that have occurred over time. The demographic settings can be changed within the report to quickly see how your athlete compare to a different group. For example, a high school baseball catcher can see how his senses stack up against major league players.The report can be printed or sent over email. Additionally, the Sensory Station provides the ability to download raw data for further analysis or research.

Sensory Station Training App
Designed to improve fundamental skills such as visual motor skills, speed of processing, reaction time, attention, coordination, sensory integration, and functional scanning. The interface is easy to navigate with built-in training plans, group mode and sandbox mode capabilities. All modules are customizable to meet your athlete’s needs at their level. As the athlete gets better at the skills, the training adjusts automatically to remain challenging and promote continuous improvement. All modules can also be run on a personal tablet for at home training via the Sensa App in addition to the Senaptec Sensory Station at your facility.
Sensory Station Training | 14 Therapy Modules
Visual Skills
Train your ability to identify and monitor the locations and movements of the ball, teammates and opponents, as everything is moving around all at once.

Dynamic Vision
Move your eyes to follow the target on the screen. This trains peripheral vision awareness and rapid eye movement.

Depth Perception
This module challenges and trains while the user stands at a distance from the screen to make judgments of depth. Judging depth is fundamental for perceiving the world.

Visual Search
Quickly find and touch the single target amongst the distractors. Search and find tasks are critical for navigating most sport and real-world activities.

Shape Cancellation
Find and touch all the targets but do not touch the distractors. This training also serves as an assessment for visual neglect issues.

Near Far Shift
This module uses the Senaptec handheld remote and a screen at distance to train the eye muscles to rapidly shift focus and recognize details. Quick near far shift capability is important in all areas of life, from sports to driving to walking through a store.
Processing Skills
Train executive functions like working memory and pattern recognition to speed up decision making and accuracy.

Recognition Speed
Symbols appear briefly, requiring the user to quickly see information in both central and peripheral vision. This can help the brain’s data collection and memory.

Spatial Memory
A set of targets will appear momentarily on the screen. You touch the screen in the locations the targets had appeared to work on memory skills.

Spatial Sequence
A variation of spatial memory. In this module, targets will appear and disappear sequentially. Touch the screen in the location and order the targets appeared.

Multiple Object Tracking (Keep Away)
The MOT skill often helps avoid collisions. Move a target to avoid collisions with multiple objects that are moving around the screen.

Split Attention
Split Attention is a new module that combines a central cognitive task with a peripheral motor task. Respond to a constantly changing task at the center of the screen while at the same time, respond to peripheral targets appearing on the rest of the screen.
Reaction Skills
Train your ability to implement the decision and perform an action by responding effectively and quickly with speed on demand.

Eye-Hand Coordination
Find and touch the targets quickly and accurately.

Choice Reaction
Touch the “Go” targets before they disappear, but do not touch the “No-Go” target. This requires quick decision making and swift movement.

Response Inhibition
Go targets and no-go targets appear momentarily in a single location. Touch the go target before it disappears and do not touch the no-go targets. This trains rapid decision-making and muscle response.

Copy and Trace
Draw on the touch screen with your finger to repeat the pattern, either by tracing or looking at an adjacent shape. This training works on neuromotor skills.
Senaptec Hub
Tool Results
Monitor and analyze individual’s activity and progress for each module assigned.

Senaptec™ App
Sports Vision Training on the go!
The Sensa App makes it easier than ever for your athletes to train their senses daily – all they need is a personal tablet or iPad. This subscription-based app provides remote access to your Sensory Station training programs and the opportunity for additional ongoing revenue for your facility.
How does it work?
The Sensa App is a subscription-based app for personal tablets that provides remote access to the Sensory Station therapy program. Via the Senaptec Hub, the app utilizes our secure cloud technology to manage data and to provide immediate comparative results, allowing you to fully manage your athletes' programs and progress.
The Senaptec algorithm learns and adapts to help push people forward and achieve better results. We recommend a daily regimen of 10-15 minutes. As sensory skills improve, the Sensa App will automatically increase the difficulty to continue honing these skills.
Each Sensory Station comes with 5 Senaptec At Home licenses that are good for 12 months. Additional Senaptec At Home licenses are available for purchase.
App downloads and comparability
The Senaptec App is compatible with Apple and Android devices. On your tablet, download and install the Senaptec App from the App Store or Google Play. Some training modules utilize a smartphone connected to the tablet via Bluetooth. On your smartphone, download and install the Senaptec App from the App Store or Google Play.

Cloud Based Data & Analytics
The Senaptec Sensory Station utilized cloud technology to help you manage data and to provide immediate comparative results. The client profile, evaluation data, improvement plan, and progress reports are stored locally and encrypted on the cloud to keep your data secure.

Large Comparison Database
Sensory results are only as useful as the normative data used for comparison. Senaptec stands apart in analytics. Custom comparisons can be easily made with the Sensory Station. The Senaptec’ data analytics include comparative databases from youth to professional sports with over 25,000+ athletes assessed in the system, profiled by the sport, position and level of play. For wellness, over 40,000+ individuals have also been assessed on the system, profiled by their stage in life and relevant health conditions.