Pro & College Teams
Sensory training forces your athlete to engage different parts
of the brain to process the game more efficiently, such as
better noticing the competition – so they can react faster.
Why choose Senaptec for your team?
Trusted by Champions in every competitive sport, the Senaptec solution starts with the sensory assessment. It is the athletic combine for the brain. If an athlete can run a 4-minute mile, you would know they have speed and endurance. What are the metrics for eye/hand coordination, depth perception, and reaction time? Our sensory assessment provides an immediate answer. The results are by a cloud-based data and analytics system relying on the Senaptec proprietary database designed to deliver long-term results in enhanced eye-brain-body connectivity. Whether it is during training or warming up before the game with Strobes, engaging the sensory system will take your team to a different level of performance.
How do I get started with sensory training?
We have seen several successful approaches to adding sensory performance to an athletic training program. The key to success is athlete engagement. We understand the importance of athlete buy-in and the need to keep the training both challenging and relevant. Our tools are designed with these goals in mind. Some programs go all-in from the start with a complete set of gear and others start with the strobe eyewear and work their way from there. The Senaptec team has the internal expertise to teach you the best approaches to engage with your athletes. We are happy to provide roadmaps to success.
What is my return on investment?
Healthier and more competitive athletes produce more wins. Coaches agree that an athlete with better reaction time, faster perception and more accurate movement is a better athlete. Our data shows that the top athletes have the best sensory skills. Even more, the teams that engage in sensory training statistically win more games. Importantly, athletes who have sensory training are less likely to sustain injuries because their better awareness helps them avoid collisions or moving the body improperly. Many programs also use the Sensory Station as a recruitment tool. Prospective athletes are given a sensory assessment while they are visiting, enticing them to come back for more high-tech training. Overall, those teams with sensory training have more successful athletes, fewer injured athletes, and overall a better chance of beating the competition.
What are the tools I should deploy?
Depending on your approach and the sensory demands of your athletes, you may choose different tools for sensory training. The following overview provides ideas for how the Senaptec tools can be used in your program. Please reach out so we can discuss your particular needs.
Sensory Station
The Senaptec Sensory Station relies on the Senaptec database of tens of thousands of athletes to truly show how your athletes compare to their competition. These results create the roadmap for sensory training and the baseline to measure success. From here, the Sensory Station provides a robust training solution, which is automatically customized to the needs and particular activity of the athlete. Over 14 skills are trained, with more being added regularly. Training occurs on the Sensory Station at your training facility as well as remotely via the Sensa™ App on the athlete’s personal tablet and on the field by integrating the Strobe eyewear into your exciting training program. For both the coaches and the athletes, it is one seamless experience.
Senaptec Strobe eyewear
This is our most accessible and versatile technology. Every athlete can benefit by training with the Strobe eyewear. You use the Strobe eyewear while performing traditional training drills. As the lenses flicker on and off, it is harder for your brain to process information. Quite quickly, your brain starts to overcome this resistance by processing more efficiently. After using them, athletes of all types report a multitude of benefits such as better awareness, faster reaction, and improved balance. The Strobe eyewear is a standalone tool that trains several skills. Combined with the assessment results of a Sensory Station, you can tailor your training to address the areas of greatest opportunity. Senaptec also provides a free Strobe App to accompany the Strobe eyewear. This app has a drills guide to explain how to train for each type of sport. Additionally, you can customize the flicker patterns using the app to tailor the training.
Quadrant Strobe
For elite and specialty vision training, Senaptec provides the Quadrant Strobe eyewear. This advanced version of Strobe eyewear allows training different portions of your vision. Perhaps you want to work on training peripheral awareness. Or some coaches want to help their athletes keep their eyes up and not rely on looking at their hands or feet. The Quadrant Strobe eyewear provides this uniquely powerful additional capability while still providing all the benefits of the Classic Strobe eyewear.
Trusted by Elite Performance Groups Worldwide